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Discover It is strange that only extraordinary men make the discoveries.
Larry Page You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.
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SQL Tutorial

About Course

SQL is a standard language for accessing databases. Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL to access and manipulate data in: MySQL, SQL Server, Access, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and other database systems.

Course Duration : 60 hours
Course Content

- Introduction to SQL
o SQL HOME - Intro - Syntax - Comments
o SQL Select
o SQL Distinct
o SQL Where - And & Or - Order By - Insert Into
o SQL Update - Delete - Injection - Select Top
o SQL Like - Wild Cards
o SQL In - Between - Aliases
o SQL Joins - Inner Join - Left Join - Right Join - Full Join
o SQL Union
o SQL Select Into
o SQL Insert Into Select
o SQL Create DB
o SQL Create Table
o SQL Constraints - Not Null - Unique
o SQL Primary Key - Foreign Key - Check - Default
o SQL Create Index
o SQL Drop - Alter
o SQL Auto Increment
o SQL Views - Dates
o SQL Null Values - Null Functions
o SQL Data Types - DB Data Types

- SQL Functions
o SQL Avg()
o SQL Count()
o SQL First()
o SQL Last()
o SQL Max()
o SQL Min()
o SQL Sum()
o SQL Group By
o SQL Having
o SQL Ucase()
o SQL Lcase()
o SQL Mid()
o SQL Len()
o SQL Round()
o SQL Now()
o SQL Format()