Let’s Create Design is not just what it looks like. Design is how it works.
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Discover It is strange that only extraordinary men make the discoveries.
Larry Page You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.
Satya Nadella I marvel everyday at how people can excel & that's what really gets me going.
Sachin Bansal A better service is keeping the promise you made to the customer.
Albert Einstein Imagination is more important than knowledge.
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PHP Application Development

About Course

With the help of this course you shall be to understand the Web based application development process on PHP framework.

Course Duration : 90 hours
Course Content

- PHP installation and Introduction
o Introduction to Server
o PHP Basics, Variables, Loops
o String Functions in PHP
o PHP Email Function
o PHP Data Types | Array functions
o PHP Echo / Print
o PHP Strings
o Server side includes
o PHP Database connectivity
o PHP Database related functions
o Operation on database
o Other useful functions in php
o PHP Constants | Operators | Switch
o PHP Superglobals

- PHP Forms
o PHP forms Handling
o PHP form Validation
o PHP form Required
o PHP URL/Email
o PHP form complete

- PHP Advanced
o PHP Arrays Multi
o PHP Date & Time
o PHP Include
o PHP File Handling
o PHP Open/Read
o PHP file Create/Write
o PHP File Upload
o PHP Cookies
o PHP Sessions
o PHP Filters
o PHP Filters Advanced
o PHP Error Handling
o PHP Exception